PPG & Feedback
Non-urgent advice: Feedback
Our team value your feedback and comments about the services we provide to you. This takes just a few moments but the team really appreciate knowing when we've done well. Please click on your respective site to leave a review.
If we could have done better please let us know so that we can try and fix it!
Have Your Say
Our Patient Survey is available for 2021! Please CLICK HERE to take part and provide vital patient feedback about our patient services!
NHS Friends and Family
Non-urgent advice: Complaints
We make every effort to give the best service possible to everyone who attends our practice.
However, we are aware that things can go wrong resulting in a patient feeling that they have a genuine cause for complaint. If so, we would wish for the matter to be settled as quickly, and as amicably as possible.
To pursue a complaint please contact the Site Manager in the first instance who will deal with your concerns appropriately. Further written information is available regarding the complaints procedure from reception.
Access our Complaints Form and further information here Complaints Leaflet and Form
Non-urgent advice: Patient Participation Group
At GPS Healthcare we are fortunate to have very active and engaged Patient Participation Groups. The groups meet a few times a year to discuss the services provided, current developments within the practice and the local health community.
We try to ensure that the group is representative of the practice population and would encourage people of all ages and ethnicities to join the group.
We welcome feedback from all patients irrespective of whether they join the PPG. If you would like to be involved, please click on the "Contact the PPG", or contact your local surgery expressing your interest and include your contact number.
The terms of reference for the PPG can be seen here: Terms of Reference
What's been discussed?
If you would like to see what has already been covered in our most recent PPG Meetings please see the bottom of the page for the meeting minutes.
Patient Practice Group Minutes Archive
Patient Group Reporting
- PPG Minutes - March 2024
- PPG Minutes - December 2023
- PPG Minutes - September 2023
- PPG Minutes - June 2023
- PPG Minutes - April 2023
- PPG Minutes - January 2023
- PPG Minutes - February 2022
- PPG Minutes - September 2021
- PPG Minutes - December 2021
- PPG Minutes - July 2021
- PPG Minutes - June 2021
- PPG Minutes - April 2021
- PPG Minutes - March 2021
- PPG Minutes - Jan 2021
Non-urgent advice: The role of the PPG in Primary Care GP Practices:
- The important link between surgery and patients
- The patients ‘voice’ at meetings
- A source of information to patients
- Feedback mechanism to surgery from the patients
- To listen and act upon patient views
- To form sub committees to address the various needs of the surgery and patient body
- To look at ways of providing alternative funding to enhance the services of the surgery for the sole benefit of the patients